Electric Transport


In our programme we develop concepts for high temperature superconducting machines and the required ancillary subsystems.

New Power electronic design will target lightweight, high-power variable-speed drives, alongside developing new capability in the design and prototyping of high performance cryocoolers and heat exchangers. Whole-of-system models will quantify the CO2 mitigation potential of our developed technologies.

We will support, mentor and create a new pool of industry-ready engineers familiar with these new technologies.

Our programme is structured in 4 interconnected workstreams

Grant RTVU2004. Funded by New Zealand’s Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment

Our programme is structured in 4 interconnected workstreams

Workstream 1

Superconducting Machines

Workstream 2

Cryogenic Systems

Workstream 3

Power Electronics

Workstream 4

Industry-Ready Capability